Knabstrupper Link
​This website provides information and a central meeting place for those interested in the Knabstrupper breed of horses and ponies in the UK, providing a valuable service to owners and breeders alike.
Advertising Knabstruppers for sale on this site is £5 per advert (6 months) and open to all UK Knabstrupper Breeders. We also have a listing section for International Knabstruppers for Sale.
Website overhaul - welcome to 2023!
If you are interested in bringing a horse to any possible 2023 UK KNN Grading please visit the Knabstruppersociety.org.uk website for more information/to express your interest.
2019 UK Knabstrupper Grading
The 2019 gradings were held on Saturday 28th September at Wynbury Stables and Sunday 29th September at West Moor Farm
Click on this link for the 2019 UK KNN Grading Results
It is hoped that there will once again be a grading by the KNN in the UK in 2023 - watch this space!
The KNN have issued a statement regarding extension into the UK post BREXIT
The Knabstrupper Link website is being updated over the next few months - following a long break due to pressures of work and other commitments, so please submit your news stories, stallions at stud, 2023 foals etc. All welcome - no matter what the registry!
Have you a 2023 Knabstrupper foal??? If so, why not send in your photos and share your baby?
Knabstrupper Link provides an unrivalled FREE platform for the promotion of your stallion. As well as a UK Stallions at Stud page, we have an International Stallions at Stud Page.
Please contact us to update or add a page for your stallion - to qualify, UK stallions must have documented Knabstrupper bloodlines, and the international stallions must be available to UK breeders via AI.
We have the most visited page of Knabstruppers for sale - email us your adverts, and also if you would like to place a 'wanted' ad. For sale page updated 29/03/21
£5 listing for 6 months - please email with your advert - advert will be listed when £5 paypal payment has cleared.